Corporate tuning
Similar to the problems facing companies and organizations operating in various fields of life, which resulted from poor control, organization, and the use of traditional methods of management, and the lack of keeping pace with all technical, information and technological developments that have become a basis for resisting market problems, challenges and changes, and the complications accompanying the expansion of markets, and the increase in fierceness Competition between institutions operating in the same sector at the local, national, international as well as global levels, all of this prompted the establishment of rules and principles for the management and control of institutions, and the choice of the best method for practicing good management. Administrative law, bearing in mind that this law is directly related to work in the public sector or the private sector, and is specifically related to the work of the executive authority.
Administrative Law
Administrative law, or as it is called in the field of business at the state level in the English language (Administrative law), represents a set of procedures and legal rules that are concerned with organizing the work of the executive authority in all its administrative functions, and delineates features and boundaries for the relationship between the state and its employees in all sectors. One of the most important branches of public law
Administrative Law Jobs
Imposing commitment, discipline and control at work in the ministries, by setting rules and controls that govern behavior, and ensure strong management and leadership, and disciplined and firm control.
Achieving coherence between administrative reform and good governance, in the presence of a transparent, qualified and independent judiciary to adjudicate various disputes in a just manner, governed by rules and laws that contribute to the speedy discussion of cases, and ensure the implementation of judgments in a timely manner.
Develop a well-regulated financial system with modern legislation, implement anti-trust laws, and promote accountability, integrity and transparency.
External compliance and accountability, performance planning and control, as well as internal compliance and accountability.
Appointing employees, members of boards of directors in public institutions, selecting employees of the highest category, ensuring the efficiency of employees before selecting them upon appointment, and qualifying them, as they must have skills to be able to perform the tasks assigned to them professionally and competently.
Determining the responsibilities of the boards of directors and the Council of Ministers, each according to its competence.
Raising the efficiency of government departments and agencies and reducing bureaucratic procedures in them, by activating coordination between internal work procedures in the executive authority with those departments and agencies, and regularly evaluating their performance according to clear, specific and agreed criteria.
Separation between executive functions, supervisory functions, and custody and secretariat functions.
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