Infertility is a common problem. It can affect both women and men, but it’s more common in women. There are many causes of infertility and they can vary from person to person. Some people experience multiple issues at once, or some may experience them later in life than others do.
Causes of female infertility –
Fertility starts to decline in the early 30s.
There is a big difference between women who have a regular menstrual cycle and those who don’t.
Women with irregular periods are more likely to experience infertility problems.
Stress can have a negative impact on fertility. It can cause ovulation problems, irregular menstrual cycles, and miscarriage.
Infertility is the inability to get pregnant after one year of trying, or four years if you’re over 40. Infertility is caused by many factors but includes problems with the fallopian tubes (which carry eggs from your ovaries), uterus, and cervix (the wall of your womb).
Poor diet
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking
Eat a balanced diet
Eat a variety of foods. The more variety you have in your diet, the better it will be for your fertility. Try to avoid foods that are high in fat or sugar (e.g., candy). If you don’t eat meat or dairy products regularly, consider adding them back into your diet as part of an overall healthy eating plan – this can help boost your fertility levels!
Make sure you’re getting enough protein: Your body needs protein to stay healthy and strong while trying to conceive naturally. You should aim for 30-40 grams per day — so either get enough through food sources like eggs/meat/fish/dairy products, etc., or take supplements if necessary (see below).
Ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovary. They can be painful and may cause bleeding. They may be caused by an imbalance of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. If you have an ovarian cyst that causes pain or bleeding, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove it instead of medicines to treat it.
OVARIAN CYSTS: Symptoms include painless lumps in one or both ovaries (ovaries are two bean-sized glands located on each side of the uterus). Painful lumps may also occur in other parts of a female genital area like the uterus, fallopian tubes, and peritoneum (the membrane covering all organs).
PCOS is a condition that affects the ovaries and causes them to release an egg at a time, rather than all month. This is what causes irregular periods in women with PCOS, as well as infertility.
There are other causes of female infertility besides PCOS, but these are usually more severe cases where it’s just not possible for you to get pregnant on your own (like anovulation).
If you do not experience any of the above issues then you should consult infertility specialists now. You can also book an appointment with the best infertility doctor in Srinagar.
Tips to improve female infertility-
When it comes to female fertility, several natural remedies can help your body get back on track.
Some of these include:
Arginine: This amino acid is important in making new cells and can be taken as a supplement. It can also be found in foods like soybeans and red meat.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that helps the body fight off infections and boost its immune system. It’s also important for collagen production, which is necessary for healthy skin, bone density, and even sexual function. You can find it in citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits, broccoli, and kale.
Vitamin E: This antioxidant helps protect against free radical damage which may lead to inflammation and other conditions associated with aging (such as heart disease). You’ll find it in almonds and sunflower seeds—both healthy fats that help with weight loss!
To improve infertility you must consult infertility experts and follow the prescription properly. best infertility doctor in Srinagar.
If you are trying to conceive and have been experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, you must book an appointment doctor. It may also be worth speaking to a fertility specialist, who will be able to give more in-depth advice about what needs to be done for you to get pregnant.
Book your appointment at the best ivf centre in Srinagar and get rid of all infertility issues. They have a team of infertility specialists who are highly experienced.
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