The importance of commercial law

Commercial Law

It is an abbreviation of the phrase Commercial Law, and commercial law is like any law set in the state to apply to a certain category of people, who are merchants in particular, and it is one of the branches of private law, and therefore commercial law differs from other laws by its narrow scope, not like other laws such as civil law, which is considered Sharia.

General and including the legal rules, and these commercial laws are not fixed, they are like scattered rules that vary according to time and place, and in ancient civilizations trade was known such as (loan, interest, agency, brokerage, deposit, and commission) and the commercial law did not start until during the era of Napoleon in 1807 AD The blogging movements began in 1973 AD under the issuance of King Louis 14

The importance of commercial law

There are several reasons that led to the emergence of commercial law and it became independent of civil law, so the importance of commercial law is due to:

Speed: It is known that the spirit of commerce is speed, because the buyer (the consumer) buys the goods to consume it or to keep it. Thus, the merchant needed these flexible laws and rules that are consistent with the nature of the activity he practices and are less formal than civil laws, so it is permissible to prove legal actions by various means, including (writing, witnesses, evidence, commercial books, and invoices) and this freedom in The commercial process made it easier for merchants to sell and conclude contracts.

Credit: Commercial law pays great attention to giving the debtor a time to fulfill the covenant, because the merchant needs time to fulfill the covenant and implement it, because most merchants buy a lot of goods and they need time to be sold and earn money, and therefore the rules provided by commercial law such as (papers commercial law, checks, and banks) they support the merchant and also protect him from bankruptcy, and therefore speed and credit are the two most important points for the existence of commercial law and its independence from civil law.

== The distinction between commercial work and civil work == The importance of the commercial law is due to the distinction between commercial work and civil work, and this distinction is that commercial work is based on the specialization of the commercial work itself, regardless of who is doing it (the merchant), while in civil work it is There is a set of objective rules related to obligations and this is what is known as the legal system of business


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